The Other Breastfeeding Dyad: the IBCLC & Bodyworker
Sharon Vallone, DC, DICCP & Jennifer Tow, BFA, MA, IBCLC, CSOM
In this 2 day workshop, Jennifer Tow IBCLC, CSOM and Sharon Vallone DC, DICCP will discuss breastfeeding as a barometer for infant competency, learning to observe and assess the breastfeeding dyad through the lens of both the IBCLC and the manual therapist or bodyworker. Finding a common language allows us to communicate effectively as we collaborate in eliminating the compensations that prevent competent and functional breastfeeding. Oral and postural assessment of dysfunctional feeding patterns, and well as manual assessment and treatments of the infant will be covered, as well as communication skills that facilitate effective collaboration between IBCLC, manual therapist and parents.
12 L-CERPs
To arrange to host this course, contact Jennifer at
Jennifer Tow, BFA, MA, IBCLC, CSOM
The role of the IBCLC is to facilitate successful breastfeeding, which often requires a referral for a diagnostic assessment of possible tongue-tie, as well as other supportive therapies. Many IBCLCs find they lack the skills necessary to make a functional assessment, therefore they lack the confidence necessary to make appropriate referrals, to assess the referral sources available in their communities and to evaluate the outcome of any subsequent interventions. Yet, the success of any intervention depends on the functional assessment made by the IBCLC.
This on-line MasterClass is designed to assist the IBCLC in learning to differentiate compensatory feeding behaviors from competent breastfeeding, as well as to identify the underlying cause of those compensations, so as to make appropriate recommendations and referrals. The course will cover oral restrictions, their appearance, impact, and potential consequences, as well as indications of structural impairments contributing to compensatory feeding. We will outline the elements of a functional feeding assessment and discuss the vital role the IBCLC plays in effectively communicating with parents as well as collaborating practitioners to optimize a successful outcome.
This course is specifically designed for IBCLCs seeking to increase their skills and confidence when making a functional feeding assessment and does not cover the material presented in the 3-day Oral Habilitation of the Breastfeeding Dyad MasterClass, which provides extensive theoretical, research and clinical information as well as in-depth clinical tools for oral and functional habilitation.
The Gut-Brain, A Webinar Series for IBCLCs
Jennifer Tow, BFA, MA, IBCLC, CSOM
A Master Class open to IBCLCs who wish to improve both literacy and clinical efficacy when supporting breastfeeding dyads presenting with complex challenges such as food intolerances, gut dysbiosis, metabolic disorders, eczema, reflux and related issues. Beginning with an overview of epigenetic influences on gene expression in pregnancy and breastfeeding, the course includes a review of the research on nutrition/nutrients’ influence on the microbiome, milk production and composition, the impact of the maternal microbiome on the breastfeeding dyad, and the influence of nutrition and other factors such as circadian cycling on post-partum well-being. A discussion of prebiotics and probiotics, elimination diets, an overview of laboratory testing specific to thyroid function and PCOS and clinical support options for babies with reflux, eczema and food intolerances will be presented, along with clinical case presentations that include collaboration with other professionals in supporting these complex cases.
Part One: Influence of Diet on the Breastfeeding Dyad: Making Milk, Terraforming the Gut, Establishing the Immune System, and Nourishing the Infant 3.0
Part Two: Strategies for Supporting Breastfeeding Mothers with Metabolic Disorders that Impact Breastfeeding such as Insulin Resistance, PCOS, Thyroid Dysfunction and Gut Dysbiosis 3.0
Part Three: Heal the Mother: Heal the Baby™: Supporting Breastfeeding When Babies Present with Food Intolerances, Eczema, Reflux and other Gut-Related Challenges 3.0
Part Four: Case Presentations 3.0
12 L-CERPs